Saturday 22 May 2010

Day 5

After getting home from work I get stuck into sorting out what to do with the wings.

I cut the power cable I stripped Yesterday into lengths

I set out the layout I would like the wing in but it's just to bare
4th Wing finger just looks and feels right to me

Both Wings done time to make a head

Mached the head, created a spare to cut if 1st goes wrong and moulded a nose(on the left)

How the hed will sit but thats not how its going to look finished.
After doing the wings a 1hour nap was in order :)

Thursday 20 May 2010

Day 4 cont..

So tonight we had to go shopping for our weekly shop so mache time was going to be limited.
I decided I would stick the legs and the tail to the body with masking tape then mache over to create a stronger bond.
So after I applied mache to the body over the masking tape i started to prep some of the power cable ready to create the wings, claws, head and back spikes
Left to Right Power cable, Plastic casing ripped off, 3 inner cores, 1blue 1 brown and 1 bare copper.
Since I can't find any metal style clothes hangers I will have to make do with these.
2 Wing sections ready.
Had a quick read through a few pages of the book I got today 'Papier-Mache Monsters'
I have to say I really like the way it is written, very easy to follow instructions and quite a lot of humour which makes for a great read. Anyone wishing to get started I recommend buying this book
Links to amazon UK and USA
I think tomorrow will be more wing prep and a start on the ball for the head.
While out shopping I got some cheap bed sheets ready for the Dan Reeder's Cloth Mache technique.

Day 4 Book is here

Book has arrived :)

Wednesday 19 May 2010

Day 3

So the body has dried out but i really need to get the tail and the legs ready so when the book comes I can make a start on the wings. I think I have a good idea of what to do with the wings but I would like to double check.

Started the night by bending some power cable I got from the office refit (thank you work :) )

I bent them in a sort of z shape and wrapped them in crumpled paper

Then came the mache of the tail and legs

Birth of a dragon Day 1 & 2

So I'm creating a Dragon table plan holder for my wedding in just under 3 weeks.

Day 1 (monday) I had

Day 2 (tuesday) and the ball from day 1 is dry so after a trip to the gym I go and buy some cheap flower to try the flower paste

Here is what was next

After adding mache to the neck I attached the body to the neck and added more mache

Left to dry, I created the start of the tail. Going to do mache that and do the legs later tonight (wed)

Big thanks to Dan 'the monster man' who can be found at

I have purchased his book Papier Mache Monsters from Amazon but is still has not arrived. I'm leaving the wings until it comes as dan says there is a good section in the book that would help.